The Mobility Assistance for People with Cognitive Disabilities pilot will empower people with cognitive disabilities to travel more independently on fixed-route bus service.
The Goal
Using step-by-step visual and audio direction, the free phone app will connect individuals with limited cognitive abilities to the resources they need to better navigate Columbus.

A cognitive disability can make it difficult for someone to get around independently. To use public transit, they must either qualify for special paratransit services in accordance with federal law or they must be able to safely use fixed-route bus services without any assistance.
The Mobility Assistance for People with Cognitive Disabilities study launched in April 2019 and is working with people with cognitive disabilities and older adults to provide up to 30 participants access to the Wayfinder App, a highly detailed, turn-by-turn navigation app specially built for people with cognitive disabilities. The app that allows their caregiver to develop instructions based on the unique needs of their loved one. This project aims to get participants from point A to point B safely using the bus, making it easier to independently make important trips like going to the grocery store or getting to work on time.